When you talk about exercise, you will get the responses as “I don't have time, I'm too tired, it costs too much, and I'm too old for that”. It's obvious that your parents as they get older cannot run, perhaps have knee injuries, back and hip problems, and the only exercise option might be walking.
If walking is your option, the location must be safe. Perhaps walking at a mall, wheeling your loved one in a wheelchair, walking with friends or your dog, or hiking in the park might work.
The heart benefits from all this. Regular exercise prevents the reduction of heart mass that is often seen with aging.Being physically active over a lifetime preserves the hearts youthful elasticity. With age, the heart muscle becomes weaker, and cannot respond to the demands of vigorous physical activity. The heart then stiffens by increasing connective tissue compared to cardiac muscle. Doing regular exercises has been shown to stabilize and even increase the left ventricular heart mass.
Exercising will strengthen your heart, improve your vascular circulation, keep your bones strong, prevent adult diabetes, help you lose weight, relieve your stress, and give you more energy. Your blood sugar will improve, along with your blood pressure and cholesterol. you will improve the quality of your life, live longer, and lower your risk for cardiovascular events. Walking is still the cheapest and easiest form of exercise for most people.
All that is needed are good pair of shoes and a safe place to walk. It will help you control your weight reduce your cat, and build your muscles. Your bones will muscles will get stronger your blood pressure will drop, and your joints will become healthier. Your mood will improve, and you will be less anxious, sleep better, and feel better. So, why aren't you out there walking. By increasing your mobility, balance, and strength, you will have less of a chance of falling, having a heart attack or stroke, and better cognition.
People over 65 will exercise or times a week have a higher oxygen uptake than those who are sedentary and under 35 years of age. The conclusion is “use it, or you will lose it.” Just exercising twice a week. can prevent the loss of cardiac mass. Increasing this to four times a week can actually rebuild your cardiac mass, increase your oxygen uptake, and prevent heart failure as you age. if you are a couch potato, your heart's left ventricle mass decreases: if you regularly exercise, that mass will increase or remained stable.
Increase your walking pace. Walking is one of the favorite activity pastimes of older adults, but few of you consider that increasing their speed and agility may prevent hospitalization or disability. Doctors see how fit you are by measuring your walking speed. If you walk briskly, it is likely your heart is pretty health.
US Department of Health and Human Services: 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Exercise Is Medicine American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2011 Scientific Sessions, Dr Paul Bhella
August 9.2016 BMJ, Hmwe H Kyu, PhD,
British Journal of medicine 11.15.09
Exercise Too Much? Michael J. Joyner, MD November 19, 2014
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010;42:2282-2303.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, April 9, 2013
Cesari, October 2005 Journal of the American Geriatric Society,
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